CONGRATULATIONS! from a former HAU psychology teacher
Congratulations to the Psychology Graduates batch 05-06 of HAU-CAS!!!
I'm very proud of each one of you. May you find joy and fulfilment in this career path you've chosen. You have lots of potentials for both excellence and service. Good luck! Keep in touch if you can.
Mary Rose Gandeza
School Psychologist
State of Arizona (
Posted by Mary Rose Gandeza to SIKOLOHIYA[1] at 8/13/2006 07:29:54 PM
Well, it is indeed a pride of our course to have such kind of achievement. I am overwhelmed with the success. It boosted up my morale as a student of this discipline, and also of my other colleagues.
To our teachers and the determined students, "job well done!"
I'm looking forward for more forms of success, may it be in a competition or in our own selves....
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